
Ben Affleck to RETRUN as "Variant Daredevil" in Doctor Strange 2 !

Spoiler Warning for Marvel's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

As off now, you must have heard of some wild rumours from the sequel of Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange. And just when you could think, this is the peak of the Cameo Rumours from the Multiverse in Doctor Strange 2, a new rumour, everytime pop-ups creating more madness.

A new rumour suggest, that Ben Affleck, DCEU's Ex Bruce Wayne aka The Batman, was offered by Marvel Studios, to play a cameo in Doctor Strange sequel. The rumour initially came from a leaker which was later backed up by various insiders, suggesting that the Rumours are indeed true. According to them, Marvel offered Ben to play a variant Daredevil, the one Ben Affleck played back in 2003. though we are not really sure wheather Ben accepted or rejected the offer. few believe that Ben Affleck rejected the offer for playing Matt Murdock again, due to his ongoing personal life problems and considering the things going on with DCEU & the whole situation. While other believe nothing is confirmed for now. Ben was offered the role back in October or November last year, so had he accepted the offer, he would've done his part by now, in the reshoot for the Doctor Strange sequel.
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