
New Exclusive Leaks and Scoops from Marvel future projects including :- Ghost rider, Dr.doom , Rdj , John Watkins & More ...

From the past few days some big scoops and rumors have been leaked for Marvel Studios's future films & projects :- 

1] News from Thunderbolts :- 
Actor Harrison Ford now officially replaced Late William Hurt in MCU to Play General Ross. He'll appear in Captain America: New World Orders & Thunderbolts.
Captain America: New World Orders will begin production next year and actor Harrison Ford ( General Ross ) will be involve in the film too. General Ross will also appear in Thunderbolts.

2] leaks and rumors from Thunderbolts :- 

Songbird will reportedly be part of the team of the #Thunderbolts

Zemo will appear in #Thunderbolts, but not as a team member. But as the adviser of Val

3] Rdj return :- 
 Accordingly to a famous scooper from Twitter named [ mytimetoshine ] recently revealed In a tweet that rdj is coming back as iron man for secret wars . The plan can be changed in future .

4] Scoop and leaks about MEPHISTO character :- 

• Mephisto will have a very Comedic and Campy tone but at the end of the day will still be a very Serious and Sinister Villain

• Mephisto’s allies will also share this tone

• Evan Peters character will be related to Mephisto it is unknown as of right now if Evan’s character shows up in IronHeart but one thing is for sure he will be in Agatha Coven Of Chaos that’s probably where we will find Mephisto next too 🔮

5] Dr.Doom :- 

Reprotedly Doctor Doom will be involved in #SecretInvasion, #Ironheart and #ArmorWars. He could now end up being the main villain for Armor Wars.

6] Ghost rider :- 

Scoop: There will be many different versions of Ghost Rider in the MCU but the role of the main [Johnny Blaze] Ghost Rider will go to either Norman Reedus or Keanu Reeves. Norman Reedus was also previously rumored for Carter Slade.

7] Scoop: The character of John Watkins III AKA Citizen V will be in #Thunderbolts.

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Author :- Moksh Verma 

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