Based on the Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley Image Comics series of the same name, Invincible is an American adult animated superhero television series that debuted on Amazon Prime Video. The program centers on Mark Grayson, a 17-year-old who becomes a superhero under the direction of Omni-Man, the most powerful being on earth. As he undergoes his metamorphosis, Mark must balance his personal affairs with his superhero obligations while also having to demonstrate his ability to be the kind of hero his father is. The Grayson family is played by Steven Yeun, Sandra Oh, and J. K. Simmons in the series, with the rest of the cast appearing occasionally.
• Mark Grayson / Invincible - Steven Yeun portrays Mark Grayson/Invincible in the animated film. the titular lead character. Mark, who gains his powers at the age of 17, struggles to define himself as he learns the harsh reality of being a superhero. When battling the Flaxans and Machine Head's bad guys, he is seen to have a berserker side, which is revealed to be a Viltrumite attribute.
• Debbie Grayson -
Debbie Grayson, Mark's mother and Nolan's wife (Sandra Oh). Before going into a drunken spiral of misery at the end of the first season, Debbie, an experienced realtor, had long since gotten used to being a superhero's spouse.
• Nolan Grayson / Omni-Man - J. K. Simmons' voice as Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man is heard in: [9] Father of Mark the Viltrumite and husband of Debbie. His parents passed away when he was young, several thousand years before he joined the Viltrum Empire's intergalactic expansion. He was born on Viltrum to a superpowered alien race. Nolan is the most powerful superhero in the world and arrived on Earth 20 years before the start of the series. His civilian identity is a wealthy travel writer.
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